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Black & Green Wednesday Forum
Stem Cell Initiative In Missouri

WHEN:    7:00 pm, Wednesday, August 2, 2006
  Regional Arts Commission

                6128 Delmar Blvd.         (click for map)
                St. Louis MO 63112

Will the Stem Cell Initiative that Missourians vote on in November be beneficial or harmful for the black community?

Supporters claim that the constitutional amendment is necessary to give Missouri patients access to medical cures available in other states? Opponents charge that the initiative would target low income women for harvesting eggs to be used for cloning.

Bring questions, thoughts and comments for discussion. The forum will include (please note changes in speaker line-up):

Ziah Reddick, Green Party, Universal African Peoples Organization

Stephanie Rubach, Missourians Against Human Cloning

B. T. Rice, Pastor, New Horizon 7th Day Christian Church

Sponsored by the Gateway Green Alliance. For more information about the event, call 314-727-8554 or visit:

Last updated 26 July 2006. Contact: