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18th Annual Great Green Pesto Feast
One of the best vegetarian dinners in St. Louis!

A smorgasbord of gourmet pesto, including vegan!
Tomato sauce will abound for non-pesto eaters.

$15 advance purchase by Sept. 6; call 314-727-8554. $20 at the door.

WHEN:    6:00 - 8:00 pm, Saturday, September 13, 2008
WHERE:  Grace United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall

                6199 Waterman (at Skinker)        (click for map)
                St. Louis MO 63112

THEME: “Affordable Green Energy or Catastrophic Nukes?”

Pesto Feasts of the Gateway Green Alliance have become well known for the wide variety served, including: Great Green Walnut Pesto, Sharp Lemon Pesto, Cinnamon Pesto, Vegan Pine Nut Pesto, No Nut Pesto and Tomato Pesto.

Speakers include:

Harvey Wasserman, author of SOLARTOPIA! Our Green-Powered Earth

Kay Drey, Beyond Nuclear

Susie Parker, Gateway Green Alliance


Special Presentation by Harvey Wasserman

Stop Energy Price-Gouging
by Winning a Green-Powered Earth

The phony gas crisis and across-the-board energy theft bankrupting the nation is the product of a century-old campaign by big business to monopolize our energy supplies.

We have the green technology to make every household and every business in America energy self-sufficient. But from the automobile to electric power generation to agriculture and manufacturing, the major corporations have denied us green technologies. The time to turn that around is NOW!

A secure future requires a reduction of energy along with massive conversion to renewables like solar, wind and geothermal. But calls for a new generation of nuclear reactors casts a dismal shadow on this bright tomorrow.

Costing billions of dollars each, nukes would produce soaring utility bills. They would drain funds from investment in renewable energy. Too dangerous for private insurance, nukes create excess heat in their surrounding ecological niche and their fuel cycle increases greenhouse gases.

Harvey Wasserman is author of SOLARTOPIA! OUR GREEN-POWERED EARTH and numerous other books on energy, the environment, US history and stolen elections. He has served as senior advisor to Greenpeace USA and edits the web site.

For more information about Solartopia, visit...   and

Sponsored by the Gateway Green Alliance and Solartopia Music Company.

For more information about the event, call 314-727-8554 or visit...

Last updated 9 Aug 2008. Contact: