5:45 pm,
Monday, July 13, 2009
WHERE: 3026 Cherokee
(at Minnesota),
the Community Arts & Media Project blg
$10 includes dinner at 5:45 with slides of
“Cuba’s Agroecological Transition” (Steve Hollis) and
“Medical School in Cuba” (Don Fitz & Barbara Chicherio)
7:00 Forum on Cuba & the US with Delores Mills, Tim Kaminski, Bud Deraps, Virginia Druhe, and Daniel Hellinger.
Keynote speaker — Ellen Bernstein “Obama and US-Cuba Relations”
9:00 Cuban & other Latin music by D.J. Carlos G. Charles
This program is part of the Black & Green speaker series. It is cosponsored by the Gateway Green Alliance, Universal African Peoples Organization, Pastors for Peace, Interfaith Committee on Latin America, Hands Off Venezuela, Star Grace Missionary Baptist Church, Autonomy Alliance and Veterans For Peace.
For more information call 314-727-8554, email fitzdon@aol.com or visit www.gateway-greens.org
The Caravan will be visiting 130 US cities before departing to Cuba in late July.