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20th Annual Pesto Feast flyer

20th Annual Great Green Pesto Feast
One of the best vegetarian dinners in St. Louis!

A smorgasbord of gourmet pesto, including vegan!
Tomato sauce will abound for non-pesto eaters.

Pesto Feasts of the Gateway Green Alliance have become well known for the wide variety served, including: Great Green Walnut Pesto, Sharp Lemon Pesto, Cinnamon Pesto, Vegan Pine Nut Pesto, No Nut Pesto and Tomato Pesto.

$15 advance purchase by Sept. 6; call 314-727-8554. $20 at the door.

WHEN:    6:00 - 8:00 pm, Saturday, September 11, 2010
WHERE:  Grace United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall

               6199 Waterman (at Skinker)        (click for map)
               St. Louis MO 63112

THEME: Air conditioning: Who does it help and who does it hurt?”

Air-conditioning homes, schools, and businesses in America consumes more electricity than all 60 nations of the African continent consume for all purposes.

Air-conditioning saves lives during heat waves; nevertheless, death rates from heat have been six times as high for black as for white populations in several Northern US cities. The huge energy demands for more routine, lavish cooling are helping to ensure that heat waves of the future will be more frequent and intense.

Most people agree on a universal right to adequate food, water, health, and shelter. But as the planet warms, how do we decide who has the right to maintain not just health and life, but simple comfort as well, using technologies that will only worsen the problem they are designed to address?

Losing Our Cool book

Keynote Speaker
Stan Cox  • Author of the new book
Losing Our Cool
Uncomfortable Truths About Our Air Conditioned World

Tune into earthworms with Jean Ponzi
KDHX 88.1 at 7:00 pm Monday, August 30
to hear Stan Cox talking about promises and perils of air conditioning and his appearance at the Great Green Pesto Feast in St. Louis on September 11.

Stan Cox is senior scientist at The Land Institute in Salina KS.

Learn more at

Synopses & Reviews Losing Our Cool blog

Articles: Washington Post • Chicago Sun-Times

TV Interviews: MSNBC TVKSN-News

Radio Interviews: NPR's On Point • APM's Marketplaceearthworms

Print Interviews: Salon.comMinneapolis Star Tribune

Reviews: L A Times New York Times Cleveland Plain DealerBarnes & Noble

Last updated 29 Aug 2010. Contact: