WHEN: 7:00 pm,
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
WHERE: Legacy Books & Cafe, 5249 Delmar (near Union), St. Louis MO 63108
A panel discussion will include:
• Elston McCowan, Gateway Greens [moderator]
• Imman Musa, Solidarity with Palestine
• Adam Shriver, St. Louis Activist Hub
• Tim Kaminski, Qooba Foundation
Hostility toward Islamic and Middle Eastern people is growing like a social cancer. The Tea Party is spreading an ideology of intolerance that has contributed to a violent attack in St. Louis, countless victimizations of US Muslims, and murders in Tucson.
This is not new. Racism and fear of different cultures were part of America long before the country came into existence. Bigotry which festers below the surface erupts during times of economic collapse.
But just as narrow-mindedness has long been a part of US culture, so has resistance. Come join us to look at the current wave of xenophobia and how your friends are organizing to combat it.
Sponsored by Gateway Green Alliance and Universal African Peoples Organization. For more information call 314-727-8554 or visit: