Gateway Green Alliance/Green Party of St. Louis

The Green Time show on

will air on Double Helix Channel 21 in the City of St. Louis at the following times:

Wednesday, February 2, 2000, 7:00 pm,
Thursday, February 3, 2000, 11:00 am,
Sunday, February 6, 2000, 8:00 pm
Wednesday, February 9, 2000, 7:00 pm,
Thursday, February 10, 2000, 11:00 am,
Sunday, February 13, 2000, 8:00 pm

Dennis McLin, a 13-year veteran of the St. Louis Police Department, began speaking out against brutality when he witnessed police violence. He is on paid leave and may be terminated. Host Don Fitz, Officer McLin and Susie Chasnoff discuss proposals to deal with police brutality. They explore model legislation for "Community Control of the Police Board" and the "Civilian Complaint Review Board," both of which are advocated by the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression. Viewers will see new footage from "FIRE IN THE EYES," the startling documentary of the Headwaters Action Video Collective. Since the video includes scenes of police torture, this Green Time show is not recommended for small children.

Green Time is showing portions of FIRE IN THE EYES courtesy of the Headwaters Action Video Collective.

To order a copy of FIRE IN THE EYES, send $20 to: Headwaters Action Video Collective, P.O. Box 2198, Redway CA 95560.

Green Time is winner of the 1999 DHTV Excellence Award for Best Informational Show. Green Time, St. Louis' only environmental cable TV show, is produced by the Gateway Greens in conjunction with DHTV Ch. 21 on TCI City Cable in St. Louis.

For more information about this Green Time production (No. 87), please call Don Fitz at 314-727-8554.

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