The Green Time show on
will air on Double Helix Channel 21 in the City of St. Louis at the following times:
"ENVIRONMENTALISTS UNDER FIRE"Wednesday, April 26, 2000, 7:00 p.m.,
Thursday, April 27, 2000, 11:00 a.m.,
Sunday, April 30, 2000, 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 3, 2000, 7:00 p.m.,
Thursday, May 4, 2000, 11:00 am,
Sunday, May 7, 2000, 8:00 p.m."Environmentalists Under Fire" is a new video produced from the cooperation of the Sierra Club and Amnesty International. Mira Tanna, of the American Friends Service Committee, discusses the role of environmental activists in Ogoniland with Noble Obani-Nwibari, President of MOSOP International (Movement for the Survival fo the Ogoni People) and Blessing Wifa, of the Ogoni Women's Leadership Movement.
Green Time is winner of the 1999 DHTV Excellence Award for Best Informational Show. Green Time, St. Louis' only environmental cable TV show, is produced by the Gateway Greens in conjunction with DHTV Ch. 21 on TCI City Cable in St. Louis.
For more information about this Green Time production (No. 93), please call Louise McKeel at 314-367-8888.
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