Brian Tokar, of the Institute for Social Ecology, has authored several
articles documenting the role of St. Louis-based Monsanto in production of war
materials, PCBs, pesticides and dioxins and poisoning of American soldiers. In
footage from his presentation at the May 2003 Biodevastation 7 conference in St.
Louis, he explains why Monsanto's preoccupation with genetic engineering and
control of food production has threatened its financial viability. Host Don
Fitz and guest Andy Jones of the Independent Media Center relate Monsanto to
food issues in Africa and discuss the apparent attempt by St. Louis police during
to hamper attendance Biodevastation 7 where such themes were explored.
The Green Time show on
will air on Double Helix Channel 21 in the City of St. Louis at the following
7:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 18 & 25, 2004,
2:30 p.m., Friday, February 20 & 27, 2004,
12:30 p.m., Saturday, February 21 & 28, 2004,
7:00 p.m., Sunday, February 22 & 29, 2004.
For viewers in St. Louis County, this Green Time episode will air on Regional
Access Channel 18 in the Charter Classic Area at the following time:
6:00 p.m., Saturday, February 21, 2004 and 6:00 p.m., Saturday, February 28,
For more information about this Green Time production (No. 184), please call
Don Fitz at 314-727-8554. To order, send $23 (+$5 for next day delivery) to
"Double Helix" at 625 N. Euclid, Suite 460, St. Louis MO 63108.
Archive of Episodes