Green Television in St. Louis

Local Greens on "Working in America"

On Thursday January 15, 2004, St. Louis Greens joined local labor activists at a protest against “Dick” Gephardt.

This protest, originally planned by Jobs with Justice and the St. Louis Labor Council, was against Senator “Kit” Bond and his vote on the overtime bill, but some turned it into a protest against Gephardt and his dismal voting record.

When interviewed by “Working in America”, Kim Jayne, a local teacher, member of AFT local 420, and co-coordinator of the local Green Party, spoke about Gephardt missing close to 85% of his votes. She also mentioned that he missed the “all important” vote on overtime. This overtime bill was the whole purpose of the protest, originally planned by the St. Louis Labor Council. “Why is labor supporting this man”? Ms Jayne asked. “He has repeatedly been absent or voted against issues important to the people in this community.” Another protester, Don De Vivo, an activist on the North Side, pointed out that as a St. Louis Alderman Gephardt helped implement the Team 4 Plan. This plan helped “blight” areas of the Black community. Other protesters asked, why are some unions still endorsing Gephardt?

A comment from the TV interviewer: "Gephardt voted for both actions against Iraq, and voted for the USA PATRIOT ACT. That’s enough for me not support this man."

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