Green Time
ow Showing!

St. Louis City
Double Helix Ch. 21:

Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Friday 2:30 p.m.
Saturday 12:30 p.m.
Sunday 7:00 p.m.

St. Louis County & Metro East Ch. 18:
Saturday 6:00 p.m.

St. Charles County Ch. 18:
Saturday 6:00 p.m.
Sunday 2:00 p.m.
Monday 7:00 p.m.

East St. Louis Ch. 12:
Monday 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Sunday noon

To get copies of these shows for home or classroom use, contact us at 314-664-1199.

"Best Informational Show" for Local Origination Channel 21 by DHTV for 1999.
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Get Involved in Green Time!

Would you like to observe an episode of Green Time being taped at dhTV and find out what it would mean to join the team producing it?

Green Time needs people to do everything from basic tasks to designing and producing their own video for airing to 400,000 St. Louis area cable subscribers. Green Time supporters operate cameras in the studio, prepare the lighting, work the sound board, interview guests, technically direct, design shows, shoot b-roll in the field, determine which portions of b-roll to use for shows, and edit shows after production.

Training classes are available.

To learn more, contact
Don Fitz, Producer
fitzdon@aol.com or 314-727-8554
Rick Rubbelkie, Technical Director

The longest running environmental cable television show in St. Louis, Green Time has been produced by the Gateway Green Alliance since 1996.

Green Time covers a wide range of cutting-edge topics, including environmental racism, new developments in genetic engineering, the government's attack on the National Forest system, corporate pollution and the exploitation of resources in so-called underdeveloped nations.

Green Time now appears on channel 21 in St. Louis, channel 18 in St. Louis County and St. Charles County, and channel 12 in the Illinois Metro-East area.

The show is broadcast to 400,000 cable subscribers.

Produced and distributed by the
Gateway Green Alliance

For more information about these programs:
314-664-1199 or

Last updated 31 May 2005. Contact: contact@gateway-greens.org.